Rather surprisingly for a Newcastle fan, this post isn't about football. Much.
I'm not the fittest person in the world (I partake of too much golden, oxygenated 95% water for that...) but I do like to exercise to make myself feel a little fitter, and to offset some guilt so I can partake of the odd night with bad (but oh so good) food.
This exercise used to consist of playing football on a weekly basis. This was very enjoyable... after the experience. You see, I'm very mindful of my part in a team sport. All I ever wanted was the team to do well. I played up front in a 7-a-side team, and was average at best. Some games I played well and knocked a couple in the old onion bag, some games I resembled Ali Dia.

It was very windy some weeks
The problem was I'd get unbelievably nervous. Completely out of proportion for the game that was about to be played. I simply didn't enjoy it. So, using my studies as an excuse, I retired and am sadly missed... erm...
So then I took up running. Most weekends you'd see a sweaty mess huffing and puffing within a couple of miles of my flat. I didn't enjoy it, but knew it was doing me good.
Anyway, late last year, me and some friends were partaking of a few ales and we made the momentous decision to run a marathon this year. It seems a sensible time. I become of a certain age this year, which apparently is a big thing for some people. After some deliberation we decided on The Copenhagen Marathon. If you look here you'll see I'm number 650.
So from huffing and puffing for a couple of miles, I'm now committed to 26.2 miles. And I can't wait.
You see, since I now have a goal to aim for I'm really enjoying the training I'm doing. I'm really feeling the benefits of the exercise and for the first time in my life I'm actually really enjoying the fact that I'm running for a couple of hours at a time. It's a great time to clear your head, listen to some really loud music or to release some anger.
Sure there are times I can't really fit it in, and I'm at the early stages of training at the moment, but for the time being I'm feeling good about it. I've been fitted properly for good running shoes, I've got some proper running tops, some vaseline and and iPod shuffle. And of course a good book is invaluable.
So, along with posts about teaching, learning and planning - you're all going to be subjected to the occasional post about my running. These will include moans, injuries and hopefully weight loss and money to a good cause. Hopefully. Here's to May 18th!
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