Tuesday, 15 January 2008

The Postprandial Dip

As the people who know me can testify - I'm not a particularly rotund kind of gentleman. However, it has to be said that I like my food and would gladly eat at any given opportunity if it wasn't so bad for me.

When I'm working I tend to eat very sensible things and do the stuff that you should do: drink lots of water, get up and walk about every so often, sit with a good posture and all the other things...

But there's a point to this post, and that point is called the Postprandial Dip.

Even when I eat a small amount of food I feel like I could quite happily curl up into a ball and have a sleep. Now, this is worrying especially when - like Northern Planner - you have trillions of things to do, you're not sleeping properly and you've just moved into a new office. But this got me thinking - are most people like this? What about people in places of public responsibility? Would the storyline from Airplane! have been improved if it wasn't the fish that had made the pilots unable to fly but the Postprandial Dip?

I want to work. I've got some really interesting stuff on the go. I want to work hard so I can sleep better. But every time I eat I want to go to sleep. The WCs here are a decent size, but even I'd be pushed to curl up into a ball in there... the floor is too cold.

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